Adults responsible:
Ms A. Earl (SENDco)
What we do?
Smart Stars is an initiative set up in response to meeting the needs of a group of children from across EYFS and Key Stage 1 with very significant and complex needs. With support and advice from relevant professionals we have devised a program of interventions based around both the EYFS framework and an experiential, play based curriculum and a small steps approach to setting targets and accelerating progress when meeting the needs of individual children.
The group meet in a purpose built room with access to sensory equipment and resources, cooking facilities and a range of stimulating activities and resources.
The sessions are carefully structured and provide routine and activities and tasks will be tailored to the specific needs of the children both individually and as a group. Time will be given to development of social interaction, communication and language skills as well as promoting independence and self help and development of positive behaviours. The group operates with up to 6 children from across the two Key Stages.
Smart Stars staff maintain close working relationships with class teachers to ensure consistency of approach and to give positive feedback about work undertaken within the group and to offer support and advice on incorporating individual targets into the classroom. Feedback will also be given regularly to parents both verbally and through home school diaries, parents meetings and shared on our Facebook page.
Feedback from parents and carers for Smart Stars has been incredibly positive and assessments undertaken show that the provision has a very positive impact on the children’s progress particularly in terms of behaviour, social interaction and communication and building relationships.