If your child has any medical conditions and/or medical needs that you would like the school to become aware of please contact
Mrs Catherine Scott (Acting Deputy Head and Managing medication lead) or
Mrs Luisa Gibson (HLTA & Managing medication deputy) to arrange an appointment to discuss further.
Hill View Infant Academy will only administer prescribed medication and no over the counter or off the shelf medication will be administered.
A care plan must be completed before medication can be administered and this can be done by arranging an appointment with the dedicated members of staff (above) qualified to do this.
The medication needs to be brought when completing the care plan. As the staff who can complete a care plan are also teaching times to complete a care plan are 8.15 – 8.30 and 3.15 – 3.30.
Medication that is prescribed for three times a day can be managed at home before/after school and before bed, unless the child attends our after school club and this will therefore be administered.
All medication is stored in approved medical cabinets or a dedicated fridge. Inhalers are kept in the child’s class.
All inhalers should be brought into school displaying a pharmacy label with your child's name and dosage. It is the parents responsibility to ensure that all medications are in date and checked on a regular basis.
For more information please view: 'Guidance for returning to school after illness'
For more information please contact the school office or to view our Managing Medication Policy please click here