We have a very active and helpful group of children in Year 2 who are called our Little Leaders. They work alongside the Anti-Bullying Crew (AB crew) in school to make sure playtimes and lunchtimes are a happy time for every child.
They have worked hard to make playtimes and lunctimes better at school and helped the school council and all other children to achieve the Anti-Bullying Charter Mark Gold Award.
The little leaders wear colourful hats at playtimes in school so that they can be easily identified by all pupils. They help children who maybe don't have anyone to play with or who may be sad or lonely.
Little Leaders for 23-24 coming soon!
Class 1
Class 3
Class 2
Class 4
Our role is to support our peers on our school yard everyday.
How can we help?
Play together
Share ideas
Play games
Help solve problems
Have fun together
Help make new friends
Teach you new skills
Look out for our green caps.