Subject Leads
Catherine Scott- Curriculum lead
- Laura Hern Key Stage 1 Phase Lead
- Kari Coull EYFS Phase Lead
- Cheryl Knox – Leader of Teaching and Learning for Maths
- Joanne Parker – Leader of Teaching and Learning for English
- Janelle Gray – Leader of Teaching and Learning for Science
- Alice Smith - Phonics Read Write Inc
- Alex Earl- Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SENDCo) Co-ordinator
- Evie Thompson - French/International Schools
- Louise Ridley - PSHE/Kidsafe/RSE
- Lisa Gould – Art & DT
- Stephanie Bainbridge – PE Co-ordinator/OPAL lead
- Charlotte Melloy - Computing
- Glenda Herron- RE
- Rachel Newby - SMSC/British Values
- Luisa Gibson - Anti-bullying Crew
- Kara Alderson Flood- History
- Helen Feehally- Geography
- Catherine Scott/Luisa Gibson - School Council
- Jane Boyd- Music/Fairtrade