Coming soon...
We are in the process of upgrading our mobile app to School Jotter 3
Dear Parent/Carer
The Environmental, Green and Sustainable Youth Group (EGS) are inviting schools to enter a Walk to Win competition to encourage both children and adults to get more active during the month of May. The finer weather is hopefully here and the Green Ambassadors would love our school to be part of this. They will be asking children and staff how they came to school beginning the week of 20th May and they would love to celebrate any improvements. Don’t forget bikes and scooters count too.
There are some exciting prizes for the winning school so we would really appreciate your efforts in that week and look forward to sharing successes and improvements in every class.
Thank you once again for your support at home.
The Green Ambassadors
Dear Parent/Carer
We are happy for children to come to school in their PE kit on their PE days but please could you ensure that they are wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for PE lessons e.g. shorts, t-shirts, joggers, tracksuits, trainers.
Thank you
Today is Safer Internet Day! Keeping children safe online is so important. Below are some links to support parents and carers with online safety. Please also see the leaflet attached.
FRED (Father's Reading Every Day) will take place on Thursday 7th March 2024 (World Book Day). We invite any male role models into school to come and read with our children to help promote a love of reading. We would love you to attend if possible. Please contact the class teacher if you are interested.
Please find below a link regarding regular attendance at school.